About Mutation@A Glance

Mutation@A Glance is an integrated viewer for genetic variations including disease-causing mutations, cancer-related mutations and natural variants in human genes. This tool facilitates analyzing genetic variants occurred in genes of interest at DNA- or Protein sequence level, as well as Protein 3D structure level. Mutation@A Glance hence facilitates understanding of impacts of genetic variations on the gene functions in human diseases.

The web app was originally established by a joint international collaboration between the RIKEN Research Center for Allergy and Immunology (currently Center for Integrative Medical Sciences), Japan and Institute of Bioinformatics, India funded by Special Collaboration Funds for the Promotion of Science and Technology in Japan. The website is hosted and maintained at Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology, Japan supported by Basis for Supporting Innovative Drug Discovery and Life Science Research (BINDS), Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development.

How to use

If you want to learn how to use Mutation@A Glance, please click the link below and see the quick user's guide.

Quick guide (PDF)

Resources [ updated on Mar 20, 2024 ]

Genetic variants

We refered to Human Reference Genome Assembly GRCh38.p14 with curated RefSeq entries (NM_, NR_, NP_, YP_ accessions) for mapping of the genetic variants in databases. The numbers shown in the table below were the number of variants mapped onto the exons, its 20bp flanking region, and its 500bp-upstream and -downstream regions in each database.

Database Version # of missense variants # of exon + flanking variants

Predictions of effects of missense mutations are obtained from dbNSFP.

Human diseases

Database Description

Other resources

Database Description


When citing Mutation@A Glance please refer to

A Hijikata, R Raju, S Keerthikumar, S Ramabadran, L Balakrishnan, SK Ramadoss, A Pandey, S Mohan, O Ohara. Mutation@A Glance: an integrative web application for analysing mutations from human genetic diseases. DNA Res. 17, 3, 197-208, 2010. [Full Text]


E-mail: mutation@nagahama-i-bio.ac.jp

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or find bugs in this website. We always welcome your feedback and suggestions for further development. (日本語でも大丈夫です)


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